Wednesday, April 15, 2009

This has nothing to do with crafts.

Ok. I don't know how this happened, but ... none of my friends are geeks. I don't mean none of my FRIENDS, I mean none of the folks who live nearby and do stuff with me are true geeks. I saw a preview of the NEW Star Trek movie last night and it occurred to me... who on terra firma would I get to go see this with me?? I have knitting friends, school friends, geology geek friends, enviromentalists, mommas, crafty friends, super awesomeness abounds! but... where are the sci fi and fantasy geeks hiding??

All of my friends used to be.. like me. Not only did we attend opening night of geek movies, WE DRESSED UP. My friends now are actually pretty cool, and while I could probably convince one or more of them to go see Star Trek with me, um, i bet none of them have pointy ear prosthetics. And it's obviously Matt W.'s fault that I'm infected with Battlestar Galactica, and Amanda's fault that I watch LOST like it's a drug... but they aren't geeks. Steve patiently rolls his eyes and wanders off to do something else when those shows are on, and when I have to get my weekend action movie time in.

I feel like my life has veered off in a direction that I could not have foreseen.

If there are any of you out there who read this and have been hiding the fact that you watch the sci fi channel and can't WAIT to go experience the newest Star Trek, let me know. I feel... so alone!

In addition, any ren faire nerds lurking?



Amanda said...

I am not really into sci fi, but I can honestly say I haven't seen many sci fi movies/shows either. I do LOVE to dress up though!!! You give me a week to find some pointy ears (which I will probably end up wearing to work all the time) and I'm there!!!!!

Holly said...

OMG OMG! I would go! I got my whole family tickets to see the new Star Trek at the IMAX in Saco and I was sooo jealous I couldn't go!! I still havent seen it myself - but they said it was amazing! Ahhh! I want to go with you!