Sunday, January 4, 2009

It's only January

I feel like I've been hibernating for months already. Head down, hands busy, trying to generate christmas gifts for all the folks who make up my life. I hoped to have a 100% hand-made christmas this year, which means that every single gift is LATE. All but Stevie's mom and a hat for Amanda! I have no pictures of the completed gifts, having been in a rush to get them wrapped, unfortunately! Amanda's hat is my homespun yarn in a soft lavender, with a mini sweater made out of the ends for her to hang on her tree. Lois's gift was a lovely oversized nine-patch quilt -- using fleece for the batting-back combo instead of a traditional method. 

Left to complete:  oh, just about everything.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I love my hat!! I'll take a picture of it so you can post it. I wore it when I walked Duke to the mailbox just the other day! And I'm almost finished with one of the semi-matching mittens from your homespun!! I love you!