Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Well apparently I blog about once a year or less. Hahaha. Silly! Oh whatevs, i'm a busy lady.
Must tinker. I think we need a new look.

Crafting update!
Currently on the needles: A partial-surprise gift for Mandi's upcoming baby, who is currently known as Princess Buttercup. I say partial because Mandi knows I'm making her something (I spilled the beans) but she doesn't know what it is! It's adorable and made of my own handspun yarn, spun from "fudge brownie" top I bought from Nistock Farms ages ago! They are out of stock in that color, but have plenty more roving!

Currently on the sewing maching: Dave and Michelle's wedding quilt (oh dear! the wedding was last saturday!) and Baby Madelyn's quilt of hearts.

Upcoming projects I'm planning: I need a good felt witch hat. I adore halloween. I'm trying to decide between sewn wool felt, or knitted and fulled wool. Sewn would prob be faster and more... refined. Hmmmmm. Witches aren't always that refined tho. Hmmmmmmmm.

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